Unlocking the power of the nervous system with Wim Hoff

I recently met Wim Hoff, the man who’s awe-inspiring feats of endurance have gained worldwide attention for showcasing the incredible power of the human body.

Hoff's demonstrations have shattered conventional beliefs about our ability to consciously influence the autonomic nervous system. I was delighted to meet this pioneer in health and discover he also has a sense of humour!

Last month, I had the opportunity to attend the inaugural Human Kind Festival in Sydney where I had the privilege of meeting Wim Hoff, the man also known as the ‘Iceman’. It was a 3-day event with speakers from the fields of science, technology, wellbeing, and business, but Wim Hoff was the main draw card for me. I was eager to learn more about his powerful breath-work techniques and experience an ice-bath session with the man who you could argue started this worldwide trend.

Who is Wim Hoff?

Wim Hoff is a Dutch man who for the last 30 years has been using breathing techniques to influence his autonomic nervous system and physiology, allowing him to achieve superhuman feats. He has broken multiple world records for time spent submerged in ice water and holds the record for a barefoot half-marathon on ice and snow. 

But it's not just about the ice-baths and breaking world records. Wim Hoff's work has caught the attention of the scientific community, and for good reason. As the neurobiologist Andrew Huberman has put it, “Wim violated the rules laid out in medical textbooks so drastically scientists had to pay attention”.

His philosophy is based on using the breath, meditation and cold exposure, and putting the body into states of controlled stress, rather than unconscious stress, to increase resilience and influence autonomic function. In the name of science, he has been injected with E. coli to demonstrate his body’s ability to effectively fight the bacteria in minutes. To prove that it’s not his unique ability, Wim has trained others how to control their heart rate, temperature, and influence their sympathetic nervous system and immune response.

Why is this significant?

Wim Hof's method is significant because it challenges conventional beliefs about the limits of the human body and mind. Outdated textbooks would have stated that the autonomic nervous system operated automatically and unconsciously, with no way to influence it. We now know that we have the power to influence our nervous system, our physiology and health in remarkable ways.

What has this got to do with chronic illness and recovery?

The autonomic nervous system is a fundamental part of the human body's functioning. Research shows that long-term activation of the body’s stress response, the ‘fight or flight’ or Physical Emergency Response (PER), has been linked to chronic illness.

Recognising our ability to consciously influence the nervous system and the stress response, opens us to the potential to improve a wide range of health conditions. Learning the skills to do this empowers individuals to take back control of their own health and healing. That's exactly what I teach my clients how to do in the Lightning Process. 

If you’re ready to learn the skills to rewire your brain and body to heal, I encourage you to  contact me and find out more about how the Lighting Process can help you do this.


Transforming health with NLP + the mind-body connection


PODCAST: The Chronic Comeback interview with Dr Phil Parker