
“If they can do it, so can you.”

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Thank you for helping me to believe that my life can be mine again and the sky is the limit in terms of my body's ability. I wish I had met you sooner!

When I first heard about Liz and the lightning process through a friend I was in a pretty bad way – I had been suffering from long covid which became chronic fatigue for over two years, and this had been progressively becoming more and more debilitating. I had literally tried almost everything in order to try to get my energy and strength back, with very little success for the most part. Liz very gently coached me towards being ready to make changes and see some real results and I completed the three-day Lightning Process course.

After day one I went for an actual walk – it sounds small but after my legs buckling and not coping with any form of exercise even though previously I had been a huge fitness freak – this small step made a world of difference mentally and encouraged me to keep going.

Day two I worked out what a lot of my 'pit' based habits were coming from, and after day two I managed an online Pilates class! Needless to say, it really has been a life changing experience for me.

Five months down the track and I now have a puppy who I walk every day and am currently 20 weeks pregnant! Things that prior to speaking to Liz I would only have dreamt of happening. Thank you again Liz for your empathy, amazing kind yet firm enough coaching style and for helping me to believe that my life can be mine again and the sky is the limit in terms of my body's ability. I wish I had met you sooner!

- Anita


“I immediately saw dramatic changes such as improvement in sleep, energy when I woke up in the morning and the tension headaches began to disappear.”

“I was recommended the Lightning Process (LP) with Liz from one of my best friend’s and I’m so thankful that I trusted her judgement (she’s also a successful client). Liz has been an incredible coach and has taught me a life long skill set which has also changed and shaped my way of thinking moving forward.

I was diagnosed last year with “long covid” and the major symptom’s were chronic fatigue and tension headaches, so I came into the training wanting to work on these without realising that I would employ the LP to so many other areas of my life.

After doing the three day intensive program I was so empowered to create change in my life and was reminded of the power of my own mind in this incredible process. After feeling like a “sick” person this was so important as it reminded me that I had the power over my own path and didn’t have to rely on external people to help or heal me.

I immediately saw dramatic changes such as improvement in sleep, energy when I woke up in the morning and the tension headaches began to disappear.

I have now gained the ability to notice when I am in the absolute pits and to give myself compassion and love, a concept that was very new to begin with and one I am still actively working on. Literally whilst writing this I have also realised that I rarely have the thought of “I’m so tired” which had previously plagued my life for over a year and this confirms how transforming this method is.

Four months on and I’m still faced with new challenges that arise, as they will forever, and Liz has always been there to help guide me along the way. Liz is an amazing person and amazing at what she does and it is truly noticeable that she is just as passionate as you are in wanting this change for you.

I’m still learning and implementing the LP on different areas of life and know it will be a life-long journey, but I am so grateful to Liz and the LP for allowing ME to believe in myself to create positive change.”

- Bianca


“The Lightning Process course changed my life and I couldn't recommend it more highly”

"I did the Lightning Process course with Liz in December 2019, in order to deal with chronic fatigue, which I had for 6 years. I had tried doctors, specialists, medication, supplements, diet and a fatigue clinic without significant improvement to my symptoms. Before I did the course, I was sceptical - I was sure that it wouldn't work for me even if it had worked for others. I was completely blown away by how effective the course was. I felt more energetic after the first day and my family couldn't believe how much I had changed. On the second day of the course, I went for a run, which was something I had only dreamed of doing before.

Liz is an excellent teacher. She made me feel comfortable with the process, answered all my questions, was incredibly kind and supportive and wanted me to succeed. The Lightning Process course changed my life and I couldn't recommend it more highly. It's the best thing I've ever done for my health and wellbeing."

- Maria


“My improvement increased exponentially from the first day and by the end of the course I was confident that a full recovery was not far away”

"I came to Liz to do The Lightning Process after suffering from chronic fatigue for over five years. My improvement increased exponentially from the first day and by the end of the course I was confident that a full recovery was not far away. After four days, including the course, I no longer had to do the lightning process for fatigue. I couldn't recommend Liz highly enough, she is so knowledgeable and supportive and it's really comforting to know she went through the same journey herself."

“Thanks again so much! I think it's finally starting to sink in that I'm fully recovered! I have been bouncing off the walls all week and I went to a deep breathing community group at sunrise this morning and that helped to bring me back to earth ahaha. My sleep is where I want it now too! Anyway I won't spoil things too much before we speak again <3 Can't wait to chat again!”

- Nicci


“I highly recommend Liz and the Lightning Process to anyone going through CFS”

"I found the Lightning Process training amazing! I felt that I related to every point that was discussed and the reason for why I was experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome made total sense. Liz was great as a coach and practitioner; encouraging me through the process and helping to shift my mindset.

I saw immediate change and improvement in my health. After the 1st day of the training I felt very optimistic and positive about recovering from CFS. By the 3rd day, I felt like a different person and even went for a jog down the street! – something I hadn't been able to do for over 8 months since falling ill.

It's natural to be skeptical about something like this, especially when doctors can't diagnose you with anything, but when you understand the physiology of what is going on in people experiencing CFS, it makes total sense and the Lightning Process really works! I highly recommend Liz and the Lightning Process to anyone going through CFS."

- Marcello

Alex’s Story


“It’s difficult to put into words how grateful I am to Liz Allen, Phil Parker and The Lightning Process.”

I was an incredibly active kid and teenager. I had always been a performer – I danced, acted, sang (albeit poorly ;)) and played a tonne of sports. I was always a bit of a high-achiever in school and did well academically, but in year 10 of high school I became really unwell with CFS. Whilst my friends were out partying and growing up, I was fighting to stay awake in class. I was full of anxiety, stress and self-doubt and I had no idea how to communicate what I was going through to the people around me. I felt embarrassed and ashamed.


“My future felt bleak and I felt like I was totally stuck.”

I went to see my family friend and GP initially. He ran a bunch of tests and told me that I had had cytomegalovirus and was likely suffering from post-viral fatigue. He told me to do the best with what I had. So I counted my limbs and tried to be grateful, but nothing could help with the fact that I felt like I had become a shell of the human that I once was. My future felt bleak and I felt like I was totally stuck.

I was determined to get better so I tried everything from the West and the East – immunologists, rheumatologists, functional medicine doctors, Chinese medicine doctors, Bowen therapists, chiropractors, alternative healers etc… about $20,000 and 11 years later and I had made no progress. My parents felt defeated and I began to accept my ‘fate’.  


“I needed something that addressed my fatigue, but also my anxiety, stress and low mood.”

It wasn’t until my 12th year living with CFS that I got a ‘second wind’ of motivation to get better. So I relentlessly trolled through the internet and soon discovered that the nervous system had a significant role to play in my CFS. It felt like something finally clicked. I initially I signed up for an online neural re-training program which helped a bit, but didn’t quite cut the mustard for me. I knew something was missing. I needed something that addressed my fatigue, but also my anxiety, stress and low mood. I had a really busy head and I couldn’t quite figure out how to calm it down.

“I felt that if others could get better with this program, then so could I.“

Eventually I stumbled upon the Lightning Process (hallelujah!). I must admit I was sceptical about this program at first coming from an academic background.  I understood the underpinnings of this type of training, but naturally felt wary as it all sounded a bit ‘too good to be true’. But I inherently knew I was on the right pathway and that I needed to re-train my brain/ my limbic system. I also felt that if others could get better with this program, then so could I.

So I rang Liz and had a chat. I felt so reassured and understood by Liz, and I knew that she was going to be with me every step of the way. I signed up and went to Mosman to do the training. I couldn’t believe it. On day 1 of the program I began to see changes. By day 2 of the program I woke up in a state that I like to think of as ‘normal person tired’ not ‘fatigue person tired’. For years I had relied on Modafinil to get out of bed, but on day 2 there was no way I was going to take my Modafinil. I did 30 mins of yoga and walked to training that morning! On the walk I saw and smelt so many things. I felt elated. I couldn’t believe how much I had been missing out on all this time. My brain fog had lifted and I could remember the directions to get to the training all on my own (this was HUGE for me). By day 3 of the program I could confidently say that I no longer had CFS. I called my partner and we both cried and laughed. I will never forget that conversation.


“By day 3 of the program I could confidently say that I no longer had CFS.”

The Lightning Process had given me the skills to work through any symptoms or challenges that came up for me – and of course they do still come up. But I now have the skills to hit them on the head as soon as they arise, and one month post training I am finding that I need to use the Lightning Process less and less.


“If you are contemplating doing the Lightning Process please don’t hesitate.”

If you are contemplating doing the Lightning Process please don’t hesitate. It seems a bit costly as a lump sum, but when you break down all of the time the practitioner puts into you (~16 hours overall), it actually works out to be really fair (and it will change your life!).

Thank you Liz. 

- Alex

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