PODCAST: Rebuilding Health with Mind and Body

I was recently interviewed on a podcast with Paper Fox Radio. Az Roberts shares stories from people who are pursuing their passion, helping others and overcoming adversity.

I was honoured to be asked to share my story of how I recovered from chronic fatigue using the Lightning Process (LP) and the work I do now to help others.

Listen to the PODCAST here.

This was the first podcast I’ve done, and I didn’t know what to expect. I enjoyed chatting about brain stuff and sharing my own experience of recovery from CFS. What was interesting was after the interview I got off the call and started thinking to myself 'oh dear what did I say, what if I sounded silly, oh I bet it was crap'…!

Now for me, these were some old familiar patterns and it was super interesting to notice them pop up, and how real it felt. And quite often limiting thought patterns will feel really real, even if they are not true. I reminded myself of this and then used my LP tools to shift my state. Things changed, and I felt different, like I could be confident enough to share the podcast with others. And so, I did.

It’s one of the things that people who do the Lightning Process are delightfully surprised by. They may come with chronic pain or fatigue, but they leave with a skill for life.

If taking back control of your responses and your health is something that you want to know more about, book a free discovery call with me today.


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